Friday, 19 February 2010

Some more music photos....

Hello again,
Since I last blogged, I have shot a few more gigs and have really enjoyed the experience. Each venue has its own style of lighting and ambience and this gives quite a varied selection of images for my portfolio. The images below were taken at the ‘Half Moon’ in Putney. I was mainly there to take some more live images for the band ‘Ambersuit’. It was a really good night - definitely one of the smallest venues i’ve been to but it added to the atmosphere. The lighting was also much darker than other venues i’ve photographed at - as I didn’t want to use flash (as it would totally wash out the ambient lighting), the lighting conditions was almost pushing my 50mm f1.4 lens to its limit. Overall though I was pleased with the images I took and so were the band :-D Here are a few shots that I took that night:

Ambersuit (click on image to enlarge)
Ambersuit (click on image to enlarge)
Ambersuit (click on image to enlarge)
Ambersuit (click on image to enlarge)
Westley Horner (click on image to enlarge)

My last semester of uni started over a week ago so its not long now till I finish. For one of the projects I am thinking of taking images with a handmade pinhole camera (made out of a shoebox). I have made the camera already and have taken a few shots with it - I will show some of those on this blog in a few weeks time. This week i am starting to shoot for my final project - the Rolleicord and slide films are packed and ready in my bag! Will talk about that soon as well.

cheers, CD

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Some Olympic Images and the Final Semester

I’m just about to start the final semester of the degree so I am looking forward to finally completing it. This semester will include an ‘Imaging Techniques’ module and the ‘final project’ which will involve an exhibition. I have an idea for my final project but I’ll talk about that another time - it still needs some tweeking - I will begin taking images for it this week so I will hopefully have some working images to show very soon.

I will leave you with a few images I took last Saturday (30th January) around the surrounding areas of the 2012 Olympics site. From when I first started visiting the area over a year ago, so much progress has been made. Over the next year or so, I will be going there whenever I can to capture some of the buildings and places that will no longer be there by 2012 and to also capture the new places that are currently being created.

These images below were taken using Fujichrome Velvia medium format slide film:

Some interesting facts and figures about the London 2012 Olympics:

1. The five host boroughs are Newham, Hackney, Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Greenwich

2. East London will see a massive upgrade in facilities. As many as 5,000 new homes could be available there after the Olympics.

3. The London Olympics will generate £10bn in revenue for the British economy as a whole.

4. Revenue from tourists attracted by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games are forecast to add up to an additional £2.1bn.

5. An estimated global audience of 4bn people are expected to watch the opening ceremony on July 27, 2012.