Since I last blogged, I have shot a few more gigs and have really enjoyed the experience. Each venue has its own style of lighting and ambience and this gives quite a varied selection of images for my portfolio. The images below were taken at the ‘Half Moon’ in Putney. I was mainly there to take some more live images for the band ‘Ambersuit’. It was a really good night - definitely one of the smallest venues i’ve been to but it added to the atmosphere. The lighting was also much darker than other venues i’ve photographed at - as I didn’t want to use flash (as it would totally wash out the ambient lighting), the lighting conditions was almost pushing my 50mm f1.4 lens to its limit. Overall though I was pleased with the images I took and so were the band :-D Here are a few shots that I took that night:

My last semester of uni started over a week ago so its not long now till I finish. For one of the projects I am thinking of taking images with a handmade pinhole camera (made out of a shoebox). I have made the camera already and have taken a few shots with it - I will show some of those on this blog in a few weeks time. This week i am starting to shoot for my final project - the Rolleicord and slide films are packed and ready in my bag! Will talk about that soon as well.
cheers, CD